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Tips for surviving wedding stress

The days and weeks leading up to the happiest day of your life may also be filled with the most stress. But as you plan for your wedding, you may not always have time to relax your mind with quiet meditation. The good news is that human clinical trials have shown...

Suntheanine for dogs afraid of fireworks

A Chicago Tribune columnist recommends Suntheanine for dogs afraid of fireworks. Steve Dale, writing in his "My Pet World" column in the Chicago Tribune, Dale offered a number of approaches owners can take for dogs who fear the sound of fireworks. One of his suggested...

Dietitian helps radio listeners develop better sleep habits

Is the summer heat draining your energy? Getting better sleep is a start, but sometimes that’s easier said than done. Registered dietitian and exercise physiologist Dr. Felicia Stoler joined One Life Radio hosts for an interview in which she recommended Suntheanine...

Great advice for relieving your stressed muscles and your mind

If you’ve ever experienced Monday-morning muscle soreness after over-doing it on the weekends, here’s some great advice from Certified Strength and Conditioning Specialist Johnny Gillespie. A 42-year-old athlete and Empowered Yoga instructor, Gillespie knows a thing...