Tired Memphis radio listeners hear that theanine helps fight insomnia


July 10, 2014

Between gorgeous weather tempting you to spend time outside and fresh foods available at Farmers’ Markets, boosting your health is easiest in summertime. But what happens when you get ready for bed and find your mind spinning from the excitement of the day and the stress of planning for tomorrow? Exercise physiologist and best-selling author Dr. Felicia Stoler advised the Marybeth Conley Show’s Memphis-based audience to improve their sleep quality by supplementing with Suntheanine.

“Sometimes people can’t get their minds to quiet down at night,” Stoler acknowledged. “I find that a lot of people have an issue with that.” She recommended caffeine-free Suntheanine, a form of L-theanine produced by a patented process that ensures consistency and effectiveness.

“[L-theanine] is an amino acid, so the body completely uses it … it helps to keep you calm and relaxed. It has certain components that are very similar to the amino acids in green tea that help you relax,” Stoler explained. “[Suntheanine] won’t keep you asleep, but it helps you to calm down so you can get into sleep.” Its effects are generally felt within 30 minutes and have been shown to last up to 8-12 hours.

This is different from most over-the-counter sleep aids, which often use antihistamines to knock you out. Non-addictive Suntheanine, on the other hand, safely promotes alpha brain wave production, which helps your body enter an alert, but relaxed state similar to what might be achieved by meditation. You wake up feeling refreshed rather than groggy.

Stoler, who travels extensively, also revealed that she travels with a sleeping mask in her carry-on bag. “I get my sleep whenever I can!”

Relaxation-promoting Suntheanine is available in beverages, mints, chocolates and a variety of supplements including chewable formulas. In addition to its better-sleep benefits, studies have shown that it is helpful for stress relief.

Felicia Stoler is a registered dietitian, exercise physiologist and expert consultant in nutrition and healthful living, compensated to provide her professional opinions.

Meet the Experts

  • Derek Timm, PhD, RDN

    Derek Timm, PhD, RDN is more than your typical nutrition expert. In addition to being a registered dietitian nutritionist, Timm has earned a PhD in nutrition science. He is also a Monash University FODMAP-trained dietitian with expertise in how a high FODMAP diet impacts the symptoms of IBS.

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